Alexa & Me
Alexa & Me has been written, by Ron Coleman, as a guide to help those living with dementia, their primary care givers, their family and friends, to both understand and set up the Amazon Alexa Personal Assistant in such a way that it will enhance the autonomy of people living with memory problems, dementia or other cognitive impairments.
The 'Alexa & Me' guide has been adapted into a three easy to follow modules, from understanding how Alexa Devices can help you, to being introducing to the Alexa Family, to choosing which Alexa Devices are best for you, to learning how to set them up in your home and how they can help you most effectively. All the courses have Workbooks to ensure Alexa meets your personal needs.
In this second part of the course (Module TWO) you will be looking at what Alexa Devices would work for you best within your home, using a Workbook to complete which will guide you through the process. I will also give you some tips on how to purchase your devices. In the second lesson, of this module, you will be learning how to set up your different devices, watching videos and gaining useful tips from myself, as someone who has set them all up.
The module consists of a mixture of written learning materials, exercises, videos, a Workbook to download and complete for yourself and a discussion forums to learn from each other. Once you have completed the Module you will get to download a Course Certificate.
To access this course, you will need to self enrol on the course. This is really easy, just follow the instructions and provide your name, email address and a password.
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Deepness Dementia Media specialises in assisting recovery by providing a platform to live life autonomously and happily. Contact us today to become a part of our community.