Latest News

There is always lots going on at Deepness Dementia Media, with new projects, conferences, funding being secured and lots of activities by our members. The Deepness Dementia Media community are always sharing how their lives are changing, developing new tools, living well with dementia.

Dementia in the News


Living Well with Dementia Cookery Course

Scottish Dementia Arts Festival & 100/6000 Gathering - November 2023 Deepness Ltd is pleased to announce the First Scottish Dementia Arts Festival and the 100/6000 Gathering 2023 ...  more  

Dementia in the News : Ron Coleman takes part in Amazon Alexa Campaign

Ron Coleman was asked to be part of the Amazon Alexa campaign showing how Alexa keeps him independent, he is really pleased with how it has turned out.  more  

Dementia in the News : How Dundee man uses Alexa to help with his dementia

Many of us ‘ask Alexa’ to play music, control our lights and even catch up on the news. But a Dundee man has found it helps him manage his dementia. Ron Coleman is living with th...  more  

Dementia in the News : Sean Connery's widow donates ...

Sean Connery's widow donates £740,000 for research into dementia (The Scotsman, 14th February 2022)  more  

Dementia in the News : Scottish Government study ...

Scottish Government study on the impact of the Covid on people living with dementia (The Press and Journal, 10th February 2022)  more  

Dementia in the News : Podcast delves into lives of those with Alzheimer's

Podcast delves into lives of those with Alzheimer's, memory loss (Times Colonist, 10th February 2022)  more  

Dementia in the News : 'Childhood Alzheimer's'

Experiences of Eight year old son living with 'Childhood Alzheimer's' in Cornwall (Daily Mail, 2nd February 2022)  more  

Dementia in the News : dementia and your GP

People living with dementia who see the same GP tend to be in better health (Daily Mail, 25th January 2022)  more  

Dementia in the News : Money Management

Dementia may cause problems with money management years before diagnosis (National Institute on Aging, 14th January 2022)  more  

Rights & Dementia: Happy New Year

Happy New Year, lets hope for a better 2022  more